Whether it’s a green oak frame you’re after, or traditionally jointed softwood for a barn, house, or extension; timber framed buildings are what we do.
We also happen to offer a number of other services…

Green Oak
Our primary focus is traditional green oak timber frames, either new build, extensions, or repairs

We also make frames in local durable softwood such as Douglas fir and larch.
Saw & Supply Local Timber
We supply local durable timbers such as Cedar Cladding, Douglas and Larch – all cut to order. Read about our Sawing Services here.

Traditional &
Traditionally jointed frames in either a trad or contemporary style

Use your
own trees
We can come to your place, collect and mill your trees, frame your building and erect it on site.

We sell & deliver firewood! If you’re interested, click here

Tongue &
Groove Flooring
We are currently developing a range of English Hardwood Tongue & Groove flooring.
Please call us for details

New & Old
We can design and build a new timber frame, or we can work off an old building to create an extension or conversion.

We can build frames as part of a repair to an existing building. For example new trusses on an old barn or house.

Traditional Timber
Frame Stage