Cider Making at Bumper’s Orchard

The blessing and the curse of southwest england 

Unfortunately we live in the grim shoddy old Southwest of England, but to make the best of it, and to try and forget…..we make cider!

It’s quite fun really, and there’s never enough to do, so it’s a kind of time-filling hobby…. every weekend between September and December some bugger in Devon, Dorset or Somerset is making cider. Which is handy because that means one is never short of a diversion or a drink. It’s easy to get bored in the countryside in autumn.

This is Yabz cleaning out the barrels, early in the day before the cidermaking hordes arrive.

And thats the press. Ready for the first pressing this year; the screw is all larded up thanks to Sophie of Greenlands Farm, Monkton Wyld

And remarkably quickly, a cheese is thrown up…..

The kids love it…

….and soon enough the juice is running

…and the barrels are filling

….and so another Winter passes us by, and we don’t even notice…

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